- “I can’t agree.”与“I couldn’t agree more.”的区别
- “不良品”怎么说?
- “公差范围”怎么说?
- “标准”怎么说?
- 需要采取哪些安全对策呢?
- “改善”怎么说?
- “抽样检查”怎么说?
- 有关“come”与“go”的区别
- 就产品优势提出问题
- “瞬间停止”怎么说?
不过可以用“s⛄hort time breakdown in the production line”等来表达。

- There have been short time breakdown in the production line.
- 制造工序发生了瞬间停止。

- There might be a problem with the product inspection sensor.
- 问题可能是为检测而安装的传感器发生了误动作。

- Do you have any good ideas to address this problem?
- 有什么解决办法吗?

- Try increasing the sensitivity of the sensor to it's maximum setting.
- 请试着将传感器的灵敏度设为最高。