
- I'm considering how to do the wiring for the new detection system. When this sensor X and this sensor Y are both turned on I want it to make the system stop, but how do you think I should wire it?
- 我在研究新检测装置的配线。我想在这里的X传感器和Y传感器同时为ON的时候让装置停止,该怎么配线呢?

- If that's what you are doing, a series wiring would work.
By the way, what is the purpose of putting in these sensors? - 那样的话,采用串联配线就可以了。

- I'm putting them in to ensure safety. Is there anything else I should be careful of when I do the wiring?
- 是为了确保安全才安装的。

- If you are using them as a safety device, Normal Close should be used for the wiring so that a signal is sent when the sensor is off, not on. Otherwise, if the sensor is broken there is a chance that a signal might be sent from Normal Open and cause a safety problem.
- 如果是作为安全对策,就必须在传感器为OFF而非ON时发出信号的B接点处进行配线。否则,如果使用A接点,那么在传感器损坏时也会发出信号,引起安全问题。