- 生产效率和盈利能力的关系 1
- 生产效率和盈利能力的关系 2
- 生产效率和盈利能力的关系 3
- 与客户第一次见面
- “温度范围”、“压力范围”怎么说?
- “盘点存货”怎么说?
- 总结确认图纸相关单词
- 总结确认金属加工相关单词
- 外包和质量管理相关
- “成品率”怎么说?
温度范围在英语中叫做“tempe𓄧rature range”,压力范🌳围叫做“pressure range”。

- The quality of our products is dependent on the system settings in this facility.
- 这台设备的设定决定了产品质量。

- What system settings are particularly important?
- 有什么特别重要的设定项目吗?

- The temperature and pressure settings. We have to deal with a wide range of temperature and pressure settings. Then every time we change products, we need to change the system settings. So system setting mistakes occur more often and it is a factor of the decreasing of yield rate.
- 温度和压力的设定。要设定的温度和压力的范围大,每次更换产品种类都要更改设定,因此容易发生设定错误,导致降低成品率。

- How many times a day do you have a changeover for different products?
- 每天因为更换产品种类需要进行几次工序切换?

- I can't remember at the moment but I think it's 2 to 3 times a day.
- 我一时想不起来,但应该是每天2到3次。
最后王工说的短语“I can't remember at the moment (我一时想不起来)”,适用于一时间想不出问题的正确答案等情况,记住这个表达方法后会很方便。此外,“I can't tell off the top of my head”也是相同的意思📖。