- 生产效率和盈利能力的关系 1
- 生产效率和盈利能力的关系 2
- 生产效率和盈利能力的关系 3
- 与客户第一次见面
- “温度范围”、“压力范围”怎么说?
- “盘点存货”怎么说?
- 总结确认图纸相关单词
- 总结确认金属加工相关单词
- 外包和质量管理相关
- “成品率”怎么说?
- Wang, did you see the report on material procurement?
What do you think about the cost? - 王工,你看过物资采购报告吗?
- I think the material cost ratio is high compared to the production cost.
Maybe we should import cheaper materials from foreign countries? - 我觉得材料费相对于制造费的比例太高了。
- That's not a bad idea but when we import materials from foreign countries, there are some risks such as a trouble with the transportation.
Change your viewpoint and take a look at the production yield rate in the report. Wouldn't we reduce the material cost by improving the yield rate? - 你的想法不错,但是如果要从国外进口材料,可能会有风险,比如说运输时的问题等。
黄金城换个角度,重点关注一下报告里的生产成品率。 是不是可以通过提升成品率来降低材料费的成本?
- Right, I didn't notice it. So, first, I will think about a system to inspect defects before we process the materials.
- 是啊,我没注意到。
最后王工说“I didn't notice it.(我没注意到。)”,表示“注意到”的英语有realize、recognize、notice、figure out等。
- “realize”・・・注意到是未曾想到的A
例) I realized my mistake. (我注意到了错误。)
- “recognize”・・・注意到是之前经历过(见过)的A
例) I didn't recognize her at first because she has changed so much. (她完全变了,我一开始没注意到是她。)
- “notice”・・・通过五感注意到
例) I noticed the battery is almost dead. (我注意到电池快耗尽了。)
- “figure out”・・・在思考过程中渐渐注意到
例) I figured out how to use the sensor. (我注意到那台传感器的使用方法。)