- “反射型”、“透过型”怎么说?
- “产距时间”相关的会话
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- 总结确认测量相关单词
“产距时间”在英语中叫做takt time。

- I'd like to make the takt time shorter. So first, I'm trying to measure how much time the production system is operating but it's more difficult than I thought.
- 我想缩短产距时间,首先要测量装置的运转时间,但是比我想象中困难。

- What are you having a problem with?
- 你在哪方面遇到问题?

- Even if the motor is running, there are idle times such as preparation time, clean up and waiting time for the next process or during product changeover. I am trying to record it all writing by hand. That is difficult, and sometimes I even forget to record something...
- 就算电机在转动,准备、结束后收拾、等待工序、切换工序等还是会占用时间,使电机出现闲置时间。我想手写记录下来这些时间。但是太过麻烦,有时还会忘了记录……

- Well, then how about considering installing a data collection system to collect the data of the whole operation of the production system all at once?
- 那样的话,试着研究出能对装置运转状况进行统一数据采集的机制怎么样?