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“反射率”在英语中叫做reflection rate。

- There might be something wrong with the sensor in the number 2 production line.
- 第2条生产线的传感器好像状态不佳。

- Could you describe the problem in more detail?
- 能具体描述一下问题吗?

- The sensor can detect white caps but not black ones.
- 白色瓶盖能检测到,但是黑色瓶盖检测不到。

- Well, did you set up the sensor adjusted to the reflection rate of the white cap? If so, I think that's the reason why the sensor is not responding. The reflection rate of a black object is lower than a white one. So if you set the sensor to the same reflection rate of the black cap, the sensor will be able to detect both black and white caps!
- 唔~,你是不是根据白色瓶盖的反射率设定了传感器?如果是那样,我想那就是传感器没反应的原因。黑色物体的反射率低于白色物体。所以只要根据黑色瓶盖的反射率设定传感器,就能同时检测到黑色和白色了!