- “反射型”、“透过型”怎么说?
- “产距时间”相关的会话
- “静电”怎么说?
- 演讲中可用的短语集
- “反射率”怎么说?
- “等效产品”怎么说?
- 怎样用英语进行夸奖?
- 投诉时的短语(接收产品)
- “追赶进度”怎么说?
- 总结确认测量相关单词
“等效产品”在英语中叫做equivalent product。

- The sensor we were using in the heat treatment process has broken down.
So I'd like you to order some new sensors. - 热处理工序里使用的传感器坏了,

- How many and when do you need them by?
- 你需要几个,最晚什么时候要?

- I'd like to have some spare ones too, so could you get three for me by tomorrow?
- 我也想有一些备用的,你能在明天之前给我准备三个吗?

- By tomorrow?? Well, let me check if the manufacturer can deliver them to us by that date. …Okay, they have an equivalent product that will get to us by tomorrow. I'll order them.
- 明天?好吧,让我查查生产商是否能在明天之前给黄金城供货……

- Great. You have a good supplier, don't you?
- 好厉害。你认识的供应商不错嘛。