- “反射型”、“透过型”怎么说?
- “产距时间”相关的会话
- “静电”怎么说?
- 演讲中可用的短语集
- “反射率”怎么说?
- “等效产品”怎么说?
- 怎样用英语进行夸奖?
- 投诉时的短语(接收产品)
- “追赶进度”怎么说?
- 总结确认测量相关单词
- I haven't received the items we ordered yet. When can I have them? 我还没有收到订购的产品。 什么时候能收到?
- We were supposed to receive the items we ordered by today. 黄金城应该最晚在今天能收到订购的产品。
- What we received was not what we ordered. 我收到的产品和订购的不一样。
- Some parts were missing. 缺少部件。
- The quantity was not correct. 数量不对。
- The product doesn't meet our specifications. 产品不符合本公司的规格。
- Please send us the correct product as soon as possible. 请尽快将正品送来。
- Please replace this product with the correct one as soon as you can. 请尽快将这个产品换成正确的产品。
The amount on the invoice doesn't match that of your quote.
Please reissue the invoice. 发票金额和报价金额不一样。 请重新开具发票。

- The goods that were delivered from you today were short on numbers.
- 今天贵公司交付的产品数量不足。

- I'm terribly sorry. Could you tell me how many units you are short?
- 非常抱歉。可以告诉我缺几个吗?

- 50 units. Can you send them as soon as possible?
- 50个。能尽快将不足的部分送来吗?

- Of course. We'll make an arrangement to deliver the goods tomorrow.
I apologize for any trouble caused by our mistake.
We continue to make every effort to improve our delivery system. - 当然。我会安排明天送到。